
Pin Collection Surpasses 300

Well, my pin collection looks to be quickly catching up to my coaster credit count. As of Wednesday, December 23, 2020, the collection reached 300 with the addition of the Tillie pin. Although Tillie’s face can be found on the Tickler coaster at Luna Park in Coney Island, N.Y., different variations of the wide-smiling face date back about a hundred years to other beachfront parks in New York and New Jersey. It only felt right buying a pin featuring his mugshot for my collection.

A Disney Pin, but From Disneyland Paris

In addition to Tillie, I came in possession of a few other oddball pins to add to the collection her to finish out December. The large silver, black, and white pin featuring the large skull, comes from Disneyland Paris and is themed to the Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril coaster (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril). While I have a few pins from parks such as Drayton ManorThorpe Park, and Alton Towers, they only make up a small part of my overall collection. It was nice to add something from Disneyland Paris. Come to think about it, I honestly don’t have many Disney pins overall.

A Couple of Universal Revenge of the Mummy Pins

Back on Saturday, December 12, I received a Revenge of the Mummy pin from Universal Studios Florida (above left). Then, 10 days later, one from Universal Studios Hollywood (above right) arrived. How do I know it’s from Hollywood? The fact that it says, “The Ride” under the Revenge of the Mummy title. Of the three versions of the ride, the Hollywood installment is the one that carries “The Ride” in its title. Both pins were very similar, but since they were so cheap, I decided to pick up the sister coaster pin from California as well.

Another Elusive Kennywood Pin

One day after Christmas, my third Kennywood pin of my collection arrived. Sadly, it’s hard to find coaster themed pins for Kennywood. I do own one for Exterminator, but I’ve never come across anything other than various park logo pins featuring their yellow arrow. This one features the 120th anniversary sash underneath and is a bit bigger than the other one in my collection.

Incoming to the Collection

In the days and weeks to come, this collection will continue to grow. It’s been a steady growth since the start of this site, but I have a fair number of pins purchased either shipped, or awaiting shipment. These pins include:

  • Busch Gardens Williamsburg: 2 presidential park pins & 7 dog tag pins (Alpengesit, Apollo’s Chariot, Griffon, InvadR, Loch Ness Monster, Tempesto, Verbolten)
  • Dorney Park: 2 Talon pins
  • Kennywood: 1 light up park logo pin
  • Knotts Berry Farm: 1 Hangtime pin
  • Sea World Orlando: 3 Ice Breaker pins
  • Six Flags America: 1 Batwing pin

I’m always on the lookout for some new pins to add to my collection. I’ve had my eye on a few on eBay for a while now, but either don’t like the prices, or I held off on them due to buying several others. I also recently missed out on a Coney Island Cyclone pin, which bummed me out . At this time, that’s the only time I’ve seen a pin for the iconic coaster. Hopefully one day another will surface. 

If you know of any good deals, or are looking to unload some coaster/amusement park themed pins, I’d love to chat. Hit me up as I’m always looking for new additions.

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